Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Recipe Tuesday: Broccoli Pasta

Today's recipe comes from real Italians, so you know it's authentic! When I worked as a recipe demonstrator at the local grocery store, this awesome Italian couple would come in every Sunday after church. They were really friendly and I loved talking to them. They actually gave me this recipe last year, but I haven't had a chance to make it til now.

1 lb. pasta (I used whole wheat rotini)
1 lb. broccoli
3 cloves garlic (I used more, but I love garlic)
1/4 lb. fresh mozzarella cheese
1/4 lb. sharp cheddar cheese
olive oil

Cook the pasta as directed and drain, but do not rinse with cold water. Saute the garlic and broccoli in olive oil until broccoli reaches desired tenderness. Cube the cheeses, then mix everything together in a bowl and serve warm.

Yum! I ate off this stuff for days...

1 comment:

Care said...

This looks wonderful.