Number of books read since you started: 1, part of 1
Titles of books read since you started: Pretties, Scott Westerfeld
Pages read since last update: 0
Running total of pages read since you started: 398
Amount of time spent reading since last update: Does reading blogs count? Cause that's all I've been doing...
Running total of time spent reading since you started: 239 minutes
Mini-challenges completed: mini-challenge, Sarah's foreign language mini-challenge, Meryl's book quote mini-challenge
Other participants you’ve visited: Alison, Debi, Traci, Amanda, jehara, Tammy, tanabata, raych, Sharon, Sarah, Lizzie, Sunny, Joanne
Prize you’ve won: none (yet!)
I took a bit of a break this hour. After finishing my first book (huzzah!) I decided to spend some time blog-hopping and cheerleading. NOW I'm going to make lunch - Sarah has given me a craving for a tuna salad sandwich, stat.
This is AWESOME! how can u cheer and read... and then be able to finish 1 and half book!
u guys are all AWESOME!
go on... read- on.. !!!
Very very Cool! u guys make me believe... it can be DONE! **sigh!
where is my book?! i m reading :D no wait...cheering is LEFT ..hehee!!
Good Work!!
you've been a busy little bee reading so many pages and visiting so many blogs! thanks for making me one of your stops. :)
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