Saturday, January 10, 2009

Getting back into the groove...

School started back up this week, so I've been crazy-busy trying to learn all my new students' names, helping the Drama Club get ready for their next one act performance, and just generally trying to keep my sanity. My classes are slightly bigger this semester (no inclusion classes this time), which means twice the papers to grade whenever I assign work. Sigh. I had over 1,000 unread items in Google Reader from this week; I've done a blitzkrieg on reading/commenting and have my fingers crossed that I didn't miss anything important.

As for my challenges...well, I'm much better at the reading than the reviewing part. :) I hit up a used book store a few weeks ago, and I've already made my way through a few YA novels.

Bonus links:
Not to brag or anything, but I got 100% on this logic test. The high school Math flashbacks that came with it weren't as great...
Leila over at bookshelves of doom, one of my favorite YA book blogs, is starting a YA-themed fiction magazine. Click on the link for more info and submission guidelines.

Reviews, Blog Improvement Project posts, and Dream King Challenge updates coming soon - hopefully


Anonymous said...

I got 100% as well -- I'm so proud, especially as it's 7:30 in the morning.

Thanks for giving TBR Tallboy a shoutout, and do encourage your students!

Anonymous said...

Yea school! I bet you are a fun teacher. Guess what I did yesterday: I got hired to be a sub. EEEEeeeek!

jessi said...

Leila - No problem. I'm excited to read the first issue!

Care - Good luck! I subbed for a few months last year, after I finished my education program. It was great for experience and letting me see what teaching would be like. It also made me more aware of the lesson plans and general class info I leave for subs - some teachers don't tell you anything, which can get frustrating. Now I think I go overboard with the lists that I leave for my subs. :)

Andi said...

Yayyy for starting back. Booo for learning new names. It seems like it takes me longer every semester. Whew!