Books read: 8-ish
Under the Tuscan Sun (only had a few chapters to go when I started the challenge)
l8r, g8r
V for Vendetta
Thursday Next: First Among Sequels
MAX: A Maximum Ride Novel (My one audiobook - and it turns out I had only downloaded part of it. Oh, well!)
The Sandman: The Doll's House
The Sandman: Dream Country
This, I fear, is the end for me. I'm dead tired (probably didn't help that I've been reading all about Dream, eh?) and I have to get up in the morning to a) organize Girl Scout cookie incentive prizes (which were delivered while I was on vacation) and b) meet with a mortgage lender about financing for my house. It's official: I will be a zombie for a good portion of tomorrow. Thanks to Mother Reader for hosting this challenge - I had a lot of fun, I got a lot of reading done, and I'm way too overjoyed at the four reviews I managed to get posted. I should do this every weekend! Or not...
To those of you still going strong, keep at it! Happy Reading! :)
Congrats! V for Vendetta was a cool movie (saw it before realizing a book was source) and GOOD LUCK / BEST WISHES for the house hunt and purchase.
All the best! 31 hours? Great job, I hope to see you participating again next year!
Hey, I have to organize my Girl Scout stuff this morning too!
Fantastic job on your reading! Come back next year!
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