1. Do you get to read as much as you WANT to read?I definitely don't get to read as much as I would like to, at least not right now. Thankfully, this semester will be finished in a little over a week and I will have two glorious weeks of reading freedom. There are so many books I want to read; that's partly why I join so many challenges, so push myself and also to be introduced to new books and authors. I enjoy comfort reading (when I have the time) and I do have a few back-issues of Marie Claire that I need to get to. What I really miss, though, are comic books. I used to be able to pick up my new comics every Wednesday, but now that I live in the middle of nowhere, with no nearby LCBS (local comic book shop), they're really hard to come by.
2. If you had (magically) more time to read–what would you read? Something educational? Classic? Comfort Reading? Escapism? Magazines?
But you don't have to take my word for it. Visit btt for more opinions.
No one has enough reading time, and we all could use more to read what we like. Happy BTT!
I think signing up for challenges to push yourself is a really good idea. I don't join very many, but the ones I do are always huge undertakings. It's definitely rewarding at the end!
I like signing up for challenges too. It takes me into areas I might otherwise miss. I have to slow down on the amount that I do in '09 though.
I completely understand. I can't wait until Christmas vacation to read. I already started placing books on hold at my local library.
I'm also very much looking forward to two glorious weeks of reading freedom!
I read for 2 hrs, and that's not going to change ;
Marie Claire? I feel reading Mags is boring :) I don't know why!
I'm such a moody reader that I don't sign up for challenges because I then feel pressured to read books that I might not be in the mood for.
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