This has been the most relaxing weekend I've had in about five months. Why? Because we started our Christmas break on Friday! Two weeks of blissful freedom from moody teenagers, essays written in chat-speak, and that one annoying coworker who doesn't have an indoor voice. I celebrated Friday night by going to Athens to party with my friend/coworker Seth. We tried to hit up the Terrapin Brewery Tour but got lost (it's a nondescript white warehouse with little outside lighting and NO SIGN) and ended up getting there too late. Maybe next week. To compensate, I bought a refurbished PS2 (Seth also works at a GameStop part time and used his discount) and Kingdom Hearts. I just started last night and I'm already to Deep Jungle, my second-favorite world (after Halloween Town). I'm trying not to use a strat guide until I get to Oogie Boogie's house, because that's the only place I can remember in the game that you can't get back to later.
"But what about BOOKS?" you say? Well, I'll tell you. This is a picture of my current Mt. TBR:
These are the books that I'll be trying to get through in the next two weeks, in addition to the Kingdom Hearts-playing, prepping for next semester, and reviewing the books that I've already read and haven't gotten around to yet:
Not quite as large a stack, and there are a few books (checked out from the library) that aren't pictured.
So, my goals for this break are:
1. Read some books. I'm not attaching a numerical value to this goal; I just want to decrease the size of that first pile before I go back to school.
2. Review some books. I'm shooting for 10 reviews - that's one every day during the week. We'll see how that goes.
3. Play some Kingdom Hearts. I'm not going to beat it in two weeks, and I'm not going to try. I just want to enjoy it and relish the awesomeness of the game itself.
4. Finish up my 101 things to do in 1001 days list. I'm currently on 18. Eep!
Hope everyone has a great Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc, and a happy New Year! :)
Wow, you just made me regret my shopping decisions! My husband asked me if we should pick up another PS2 for the kids, but I said no. I totally forgot about the game Kingdom Hearts. Now I want to go buy one. I guess it will have to wait until the new year.
I never see something from my own TBR list in someone else's stack, but I have "The Year of Living Biblically" next to my bed, too. Cool!
Yay for Christmas break! And bookstacks! :)
For some weird reason I've never played Kingdom Hearts. I need to blow the dust off my PS2. That's quite an intimidating Mt TBR! Enjoy your Christmas break and happy reading!
Dani - I hope you like The Year of Living Biblically! I loved it, and will probably have a review up sometime this week.
Eva - I don't think I could have survived that first semester without knowing that I had a nice long break to look forward to!
Nymeth - Kingdom Hearts is pretty much the greatest game I've ever played. I love the Final Fantasy games, and seeing those characters interact with Disney characters is really amusing.
Holy cow! That's a lot of books for two weeks! You've got some good ones in there, though. Enjoy!
I see Matrimony there!
ANd a Very Merry Christmas to u... and a fantastic New Year :)
and hope u have fun :)
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